Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Money Scams

Obama is history!

Obama was always a one term show!

any political strategist knows few black candidates win statewide re-elections, no black candidates wins re-election win he or she pisses off their liberal base.

Obama was always a Clarence Thomas Clone, Obama knew that a black conservatives never would win the White House, so he done a Reagan, “ACTED” like he was a Democrat. (Reagan acted like he was a President, History will say Reagan started the decline of the USA)

The MSM final act with OBAMA is to make sure no real Democrats primary this clown! (the games have already begun, listen closely, Obama always beats Palin, does Obama beat Romney? NO!!!)

the target of the intelligent left should be the 23 democrat senators up for re-election in 2012! Why? it is very simple, these Senators want to win re-election, (the intelligent left must get ahead of the KABUKI game, Obama is old news, attack the 23 Dems up for re-election in 2012! and you may force them to dump OBAMA)

The left must tie OBAMA around the necks of all these Senators up for re-election! Obama is already TOXIC, make him NUCLEAR WASTE and the Dem Senators will force a primary of OBAMA!

Listed below is the OBAMA necklace that all Dems Senator must wear in 2012

1st Obama endorses the Bush agenda of spying on and killing americans

2nd Obama attacks Unions (the F! the UAW moment screams republican)

3rd Obama double downs on Bush Wars, (now they are Obama wars)

4th Obama attacks Teacher Unions (teacher unions now hate OBAMA)

5th Obama does not attack the Banks? he bails them out? (sorta like what the GOP does)

6th Obama passes the Bob Dole Health Care Bill (Bob Dole is a republican)

7th Obama kills the Public Option

8Th Obama kills Drug Importation

9Th Obama APPOINTS an insurance executive to manage his health care Bill

10th Obama does not APPOINT Dawn Johnsen

11th Obama hand picks the cat food commission to destroy Social Security

12th Obama supports Blanche Lincoln, a candidate who hates Unions, and has no chance of winning

13 Guantanomo still open for business

14.Patriot Act renewed

15. renditions continue

16. Bernanke reappointed

17. Americans targeted for assassination

18 Obama is all for sending more USA jobs off shore

19 Obama is for tax cuts for the RICH!

20. Obama and the TSA porno Scandal

21 Obama freezes federal wages for 2 years

22. OBAMA TARP Funds for Legal Services for Foreclosure Victims Blocked By Treasury

23. Obama lowers estate tax for the rich

24. Obama tax bill of 2010 GUTS Social Security

25. Obama wants WikiLeaks Assange charged with espionage.

26 Obama Fake Net Neutrality Caves to AT&T,Comcast

Coming in 2012

Gas prices above $4.00 close to $5.00 a gallon (this will end OBAMA)

Mass un-employment!

99ers living on main street (Homeless at an all time high)

social security cuts

the MSM will scream how Obama is un-beatable, if you believe that garbage, go visit Santa Clause in the North Pole and telling him hello from all of us! :)

My guest on Hedge Fund Radio this week is penny stock trader and Internet entrepreneur, Tim Sykes. Every once in a while I run into a natural born trader, someone who crawls out of the crib quoting options spreads, price earnings multiples, and book values. His first spoken word was “Sell!” While other kids were practicing their ABC’s, Tim was pouring through prospectii.

During his college years, Tim skipped classes and turned a $12,415 Bar Mitzvah gift into $1.65 million by trading the market from his dorm room. By the time he graduated from Tulane in 2003, he was already running his own hedge fund. Barclays Bank rated it the number one short bias fund during 2003-2006.

Tim argues that if you cut through all the hype and manipulation in the penny stock market, it is clear that there are huge opportunities on the short side. Most of the companies trading there are frauds, and most will fail. Mini Enron’s and mini Madoff’s abound.

Defined as trading under $5 a share, these stocks are purchased mostly by individuals desperate for “get rich quick” success. Promoters buy lists of email addresses from major online publishers, sometimes paying millions of dollars, to launch a never ending onslaught of “pump and dump” schemes. Email barrages and Twitter spam have replaced the dinnertime telemarketing calls and junk mail of yore.

The SEC is so inundated with tips on Madoff copycats and competitors ratting out each other, they don’t have time to pursue gripes about $1,000 losses emanating from penny stock scams. It’s like expecting the FBI to pursue shoplifters of 99 cent items from Seven Eleven stores.

Some of the claims made by these bogus IPO’s boggle the imagination. Tim’s favorite was one company’s efforts to promote vitamins infused with stem cells. Another offered a solar spray that turned you house into an energy source. Then there was the BP Gulf oil spill that threw up innumerable crude eating forms of algae. As for my own experience, I’ll never forget the aquaculture farm in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert. To separate out the obvious rip offs from the legitimate companies, Tim spends hours a day gleaning through voluminous SEC filings, some of which are blatant cut and paste jobs from earlier failed floatations.

Even though most of these companies are fake, prices can run away to the upside, wiping out the early short sellers. So some risk control discipline is required. When a stock truly rockets, “buy-ins” of shorts can also be a problem. A few hundred penny stocks are launched each year, but only about five a month catch on fire. And remember, Apple (AAPL), and True Religion (TRLG) jeans were once penny stocks.

To avoid being taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous con men, Tim offers some very basic advice. If it is too good to be true, it generally is. It also helps to read the SEC filings, which can be obtained online for free.

Tim claims to have a success rate with his short strategy of 75%, which has delivered a 56% return in 2010, proving he still has the golden touch. His problem is that the strategy is not scalable, and can only be executed with a small amount of money. No mega hedge fund for him.

That’s why Tim has turned to online education instead of ramping up a big hedge fund. Today, he is offering several subscription newsletters, trade alerts, chat rooms, along with a DVD course on making money in the penny stock market at his website at . 

To listen to my highly informative and entertaining interview with Time Sykes on Hedge Fund Radio, please click here at .

To see the data, charts, and graphs that support this research piece, as well as more iconoclastic and out-of-consensus analysis, please visit me at . There, you will find the conventional wisdom mercilessly flailed and tortured daily, and my last two years of research reports available for free. You can also listen to me on Hedge Fund Radio by clicking on “This Week on Hedge Fund Radio” in the upper right corner of my home page.

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Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

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Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may boycott Oscars over Anne Hathaway <b>...</b>

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards is gearing up to be the most star-studded event of the year, but.

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