Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Affiliate Making Money

This guest post is by Roman from how this website makes money.

Two years ago I stumbled across the concept of blogging for money.  Instantly it hit me as the perfect thing: sit behind a computer, design a site, write, be my own boss, work from home, what could be better? I knew nothing about traffic, SEO, backlinks, Pagerank, or keywords.  I knew nothing about how to make money with a website.  So what did I do next?  I registered the domain name howthiswebsitemakesmoney.

Looking back all I can do is laugh at my arrogance.  Like thousands before me and thousands who will come after me, my first attempt at blogging was a site about making money online.

Two years later, I know how to start a site, I know how to write content, I know about SEO, I know about backlinks, I know how to add advertisements … but I still do not know how to make good money online.  The site makes dimes a day, not dollars.

The site has been two years of disappointment.  Two  years of waking up in the morning and seeing the same green egg in AdSense.  Two years of waiting for a four-digit affiliate check with my name on it.  Two years of working without pay.  Two years of scratching my head.

So I asked for advice, and every time the reply was the same: create a site about something else. Create a site about what you know and what you enjoy.  Do not create a site with the intent to make money, create a site with the intent to help people by doing something you enjoy doing.

What happened when I changed my intent

Six months ago I created a new site.  This time my intent was pure pleasure.

I live in Prague and I love it here.  So I made a little site about how great Prague is and what people should do when they come for a visit.  It was built in a month.  In a gust of activity I designed the site and wrote the content.

It was so easy.   I did not agonize over what to write about.  The content flowed effortlessly from my head to the keyboard.  I did not have to take long walks with the dog or waste water standing dazed in the shower coming up with new ideas.  I just sat down at the computer and wrote about what I know.  It was so easy I actually looked forward to it.

As an afterthought, I created a simple page where people can order a real postcard from Prague.  Visitors select a picture of Prague and fill out a form indicating what they want written on the postcard.  After they hit the Submit button I get the request by email.  I grab a postcard and, like an ancient scribe long before computers, lick the tip of the pen and write.  After pounding a Prague stamp on the postcard I toss it into the mailbox on my way to work. I charge $4.00 for this five minutes of work.

I created this site with no aspirations of becoming rich, no day dreams of shaking hands with Oprah, no imagined scenes of telling my employer to find some other donkey to kick around. I created the website because it was easy for me to do and I enjoyed it. I made it because I needed a break from my ‘real’ website. I expected nothing to happen.

Again, I was wrong.

My hand is ink blue from all the postcards I have written.

I wrote a postcard from a son playing a trick on his mother: “Hi, Mom!  Sorry for not calling in last few days.  But I am in Prague with friends.  Having a great time and the beer is sooo cheap.  Say hi to Dad.”

I have written postcards to countries all over the world.  Some of them in languages other then English—I have no idea what I am writing. Fortunately, the order form does not allow Chinese characters!

I get emails from people thanking me for the information they found on the site, thanking me for the postcard, asking for more information.

I feel like I am making the world a better place.  I made a website about something I know about and am interested in and people are thanking me. Emotionally it is a soft, warm, fuzzy ball.

And yes, I am making money.

Intend to enjoy and you might make money

I learned a lot about making money online not from my site about making money, but from licking postage stamps.

New arrivals to the make-money-online scene go through the same initiation—they start out with the intent to make money, then fail to make more then a pile of pennies.  For some it means the end and they quit, but for others this brutal introduction teaches them that their intent needs to change.

Of course, making money is about traffic, clicks, affiliates, backlinks SEO, but it’s also about finding something you enjoy doing.  If your intent is only to make money the odds are stacked against you: you will probably quit.  But if your intent is to do something you enjoy then you will keep moving forward until one day, you will be surprised to find that you are making money.

What’s your intent?

Roman intends to figure out how this website makes money.  He has been trying to do that for two long years, so when he needs a break and do something fun he goes onto his other website to send a real postcard to his mother who misses him very much.

Hi, I’m Tris and I write books.

And I’m pretty excited about the coming age of ebooks and the potential of Google Editions. According to the WSJ, Google Editions could be coming to the U.S. soon and other countries soon after. TNW is right on top of the news about this, but I wanted to take the author’s privilege and wax poetic about what this might mean for writers and authors.

First, you need to know that I don’t write fiction, I write for Pearson Technology Group (Que, Sam’s, and many others). I write books on blogging, WordPress, and social media. My publisher is betting big on ebooks and how ebooks will make the books I write more interactive, in depth, and up to date than ever before. I gather from another WSJ article on ebooks that fiction writers are none-to-pleased with ebooks and how they are making less money since the dawn of “e”. Myself, well, let’s say Pearson is more forward thinking about how ebooks and authors and publishers are good for each other. In the world of tech writing, being able to be lighter and faster is much, much better than waiting.

Case in point, my latest book Using WordPress. There are three entire chapters (not to mention additional audio and video commentary) that we were able to keep electronically, though they couldn’t make it into the paper book. If it wasn’t for the electronic versions, you wouldn’t have that. Unfortunately, my publisher isn’t perfect. If you buy the book electronically, you still have to go to the publishers site to get the additional chapters.

But I digress.

Google Editions.

Several things excite me about Google getting into publishing. First is that they aren’t going to be tied to a physical ereader. They are starting off from the perspective of distributing content. Which is how it should be. But that independence might come at a price: adoption. I have an iPad, as you know, and I buy and read most of my books through Toronto-based Kobo. I’ve liked the Kobo reader from the start, it had a better reading experience from the get go (not to mention pulling the DRM from the books I bought so I could load them into iBooks wasn’t fun). However Kobo is affiliated with a couple of existing bookstores (up here it’s Chapters-Indigo), will I be able to read Google ebooks that I buy with the Kobo reader that has the rest of my books? Will I be able to read them in iBooks? Big question there about whether or not Google Editions will take off. I might be able to add another reader to my iPad, but Kindle, Nook, and Kobo Reader owners can’t.

According to reports, I sounds like I’ll be able to offer affiliate links for readers to buy my (and other) books through Google Editions, just like Amazon. This could be something that will help Google gain traction early on. We know that Adsense is a pretty successful venture for Google. We know it works and can be pretty good for earning money on a site. I don’t see any reason why Google Editions will be any different.

So, we have a potentially more independent book seller, not tied to a physical reader, who will also let me earn money by recommending books. I’m good with this so far.

But will Google Editions help independent publishers and authors? Will it help niche writers expand their audiences? I’m going to work off a couple ideas here to say: yes on both. First, if a publisher wants to push more electronic books, the production costs are certainly less with digital editions than “dead-tree” versions. So being able to take more risks on authors who they might otherwise pass on, is a win for us scriveners. On the distribution front, until now, Amazon ruled the roost for self-published ebooks. While details aren’t available right now, I would suspect that Google would love to poke Amazon with a sharp stick and offer ebook publishing services as well. That gives publishers and authors another outlet, that means competition. That sounds good to me.

Here is the bottom line. I’ve always seen ebooks as a boon for authors and publishers who can adapt to them. I’m not saying paper books are going anywhere (though for me they keep going in drawers), I’m saying that ebooks allow authors to offer books to a large audience while keeping costs low with lower print runs. If the ebook sells better than the paper one, well don’t print as many of the paper ones.

Yes, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this and Google Editions might wind up like Google Wave and Buzz, but I think that in the last few months we’ve seen more interest in epublishing not less and I think this interest is going to turn into success for Google.

If they don’t blow it.

But hey, what do I know. I’m just Tris, and I just write books.

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> Is Almost As Important As ESPN, And Wants Subscriber Fees <b>...</b>

News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel -- "That channel in the cable world is right there with ESPN," says COO Chase Carey.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

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